Help For Badami kids Rock climbing Community

  • : Support the local community.
  • We share our passion for climbing with the local community by offering Badami children free climbing lessons. We also offer specific sessions to girls to give them more confidence.
  • To further develop this project, we need climbing equipment so:
  • If you are planning to visit us and have some equipment to spare (harnesses, climbing shoes, quickdraws, ropes, helmets, carabiners…) we would be very grateful to receive your gifts.
  • If you would like to provide financial support just us the bank link below.
    Any donations welcome.
    We hope to meet you, on the rock or elsewhere!
  • Name: Ganesh L waddar
  • Bank: Union Bank of India
  • Account number: 376002010013421
  • IFSC CODE: UBIN0537608
village kids